Elana is a consciousness from the planet Venus. The Venusians are supporting humanity in this time of global shift. They are thrilled about the progress made by humanity, and are honored to be of service and assistance.
I have come to you today to share about the importance of the balance and understanding between the Divine feminine and the Divine masculine. Many people believe it is about one or the other. In fact, it is about mastering both, and about allowing both to be part of you and your life.
A Divine masculine man also needs to honor his feminine side. Just like a Divine feminine woman needs to be able to embody her masculine side. Only when we live in inner harmony with both of our sides, can we truly contribute to the harmony in the world.
There is nothing wrong with showing your power, as long as it is done with integrity, love and respect. There is equally nothing wrong with showing emotions, which can be an expression of immense strength and beauty.
As a woman you can be both the protective lioness, and the sweetheart who appreciates being cared for. As a man you may want to express your role of provider for your family, and enjoy the comfort of the arm around your shoulder when facing emotions or challenges.
No matter our gender, it is our purpose to balance both aspects within, and to live them in our everyday lives. The situations we encounter will trigger which aspect of our being is needed to act or react.
Within relationships there needs to be room for both partners to express their Divine masculine and feminine aspects. While it may seem that a balanced man and a balanced woman are similar, there are always gentle / subtle differences.
As a woman it is natural to primarily connect to the Divine feminine. On the other hand you live in a society - especially in the so-called first world countries - where women have come to believe that it is masculinity, which will serve them best. Women have over time (been) pushed towards ways of living which have left them with fewer time for the expression of their feminine side, like motherhood and caring.
Men have been told to not be weak, which in many cases has resulted in a disconnection from their Divine feminine energy.
I could go on and on about this fascinating subject, yet we believe you get the message.
In the years ahead a lot will be changing on the planet. Reconnecting to both aspects of the human being is part of this. It is time to bring back in the softer energies. The suppressed feminine will rise like a phoenix.
This may sound a bit strange in a time, where many feel that they need their power to make change happen. In fact most of the change will occur as a result of the power of love: the power of the Divine feminine, with love and respect. It is the Divine feminine energy, that will lead humanity into the golden age. This energy brings connection back into societies, and will make women and men thrive like never before.
We honor all of you for being on the planet right now, and for being part of the change. A time may come when we will share more about the Divine feminine and masculine.
This message was given to me by the consciousness, who made itself known to me as Elana from Venus on 11 April 2022.
Note: these are not my words, nor is it my message. I serve(d) as the channel to bring this message to you.